The International Women's Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC), the premier international, networking and professional growth organization for women in the restructuring and insolvency industry, recently announced its 2023 Board of Directors, and Waldrep Wall Babcock & Bailey PLLC Attorney Jennifer B. Lyday was chosen to be on the Board as Vice Director of News.
The complete list of directors can be found by clicking here.
Leyza Blanco (Sequor Law, Miami), past Chair and Chair of the 2023 Nomination Committee announced, "IWIRC’s 2023 Board of Directors is a reflection of the diversity and talent of IWIRC’s members and worldwide presence. As we head into IWIRC’s 30th Anniversary year, I am excited to see what IWIRC has in store for the future."
Marjorie Kaufman (The Christmas Tree Shops, Boston), a dedicated, insightful and energetic long time member of IWIRC, will be the Chair for 2023. Margie stated “IWIRC is the premier women’s restructuring networking organization spanning the globe. I am honored to be leading such a prestigious association, as we continue to add new networks and enhance networking opportunities for women in restructuring around the world.”
The other officers include Karen Fellowes (Stikeman Elliott, Calgary/Vancouver), Vice-Chair; Evelyn Meltzer (Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP, Wilmington), Secretary; and Eloise Matsui (Omni Bridgeway, Hong Kong), Finance Director. New to the Executive Committee is Tara Schellhorn (Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti LLP, Morristown, NJ), Vice Finance Director.
Tara shared, “I’m thrilled to be joining the Executive Committee this year as IWIRC celebrates its 30th anniversary. I am looking forward to working alongside this group of talented and passionate leaders to help continue to grow IWIRC and further our mission. IWIRC has been, and continues to be, a critical part of my professional development. I am grateful to be afforded the opportunity to give back to an organization that has already given me so much.”
Jennifer Kimble (Lowenstein Sander, New York), outgoing Chair said, “The growth of IWIRC over the last year has been astounding as IWIRC welcomed new members and new networks, including IWIRC’s first network on the continent of Africa. It’s been an absolute privilege to lead IWIRC and its Board of Directors in carrying out IWIRC’s mission of connecting, advancing and promoting women. I have no doubt that Marjorie Kaufman and the 2023 Board of Directors will continue to build on the successes of the last year as IWIRC celebrates its 30th Anniversary.”
The International Women's Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC) is committed to the connection, promotion, and growth of women in insolvency and restructuring professions worldwide. Since 1994, IWIRC has been connecting women worldwide through a global membership of more than 2,100 attorneys, bankers, corporate-turnaround professionals, financial advisors, and other restructuring practitioners. The organization provides its members with relationship-building, educational, career enhancement, and promotional opportunities.