Waldrep Wall Babcock & Bailey PLLC Attorney Ciara L. Rogers co-presented at the American Bankruptcy Institute 2024 Annual Spring Meeting at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C. on April 19, 2024. Thank you for presenting and proudly representing our firm!
The presentation, "Sub V vs. Traditional 11? Confirmation and Other Key Plan Issues," was co-presented along with Hon. Janet S. Baer, U.S. Bankruptcy Court (N.D. Ill.), Chicago, IL; Eyal Berger, Akerman LLP, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Brandy M. Rapp, Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP, Roanoke, VA; and Donald L. Swanson, Koley Jessen, Omaha, NE
This panel explored plan-confirmation considerations for chapter 11 debtors in small business cases compared to those debtors that have elected to proceed under subchapter V, with a focus on comparing the cramdown requirements and select plan-confirmation issues.