We serve as committee counsel in large and small cases. We are selected because we get results.
Our firm has represented many official committees of unsecured creditors in Chapter 11 bankruptcies and have also represented official and ad hoc committees of claimants in asbestos cases. We focus on capturing value for unsecured creditors that otherwise would go to other constituents in the case.
In committee engagements, our goal is to create a legal structure that will result in a fair opportunity for the general unsecured creditors to share in the recovery, even in the most challenging of cases. Often this effort entails approaching secured lenders, purchasers of assets, and other constituents to negotiate for a recovery. When the representation of a committee requires litigation and advocacy, such as when it is necessary to take a firm stance in opposition to a proposed debtor-in-possession financing facility or sale transaction, we are prepared and experienced.
Our firm also has broad experience in reviewing and analyzing business decisions leading to distressed situations, with the two-fold goal of keeping the players honest to promote maximization of value for creditors, as well as identifying whether potential causes of action (including those that may be paid through insurance) are available to unsecured creditors.